This post provides a general overview of common breed characteristics. However, every dog is unique and may not shows all the typical traits of their breed. A dog's temperament and behavior are influenced by various factors, including their environment, genetics, upbringing, and individual experiences. Breed does not absolutely determine or condition a dog's temperament, energy level, or needs.

Golden Retriever


This bundle of love, wrapped in fur that can be golden and its variations, red (or as I like to call it, brown/bronze), and cream.

Usually weighs between 26 and 35 kg (females a bit less) of gentleness and energy (as long as you have no issues with generosity, or are weak against their "I haven't eaten in 9 days" look).

These creatures, seeming like they are plugged into 220 volts, have an imperative need to burn off energy, and if you don't guide them on where to let it out (running, biking, swimming in the river, playing with a ball, hide and seek, with other dogs or people, or even scattering treats in the grass), they will choose their own path, and no, you won't be happy about it. It will show in your furniture, your garden, and your favorite sneakers.

So, be creative! They need physical and mental stimulation.

They are naturally charming; that lion-like mane has its cost, it requires care and will leave a trace behind. Besides using a vacuum, you'll become skilled with brushes since they need brushing several times a week.

High chances they enjoy water more than you!

It's true that facts show they love water, though don’t be surprised if they don’t enjoy baths. After all, you’re taking away all the hard work they’ve done to find their unique fragrance.

But your house, your rules – a bath every 4-6 weeks is religious, dealing with that golden mane filled with grass and who knows what else. Of course, considering their activity level (don’t expect to bathe a cushion lying on the couch 3/4 parts of the day).

Make sure to dry their coat thoroughly, especially in cold climates, and please, if it’s hot, don’t throw them ice-cold water. You might think you’re helping, but they don’t handle sudden temperature changes well.

Continuing with their grooming, pay attention to their nails. If their routine doesn’t waste them down, make sure they don’t grow too long. It’s not about looking like a golden komodo dragon; it’s for their health – long nails can cause pain, discomfort, injuries, mobility issues, and even infections.

Their DNA only has two purposes: to be with you to please you and bring you something, whether it’s a stick, a ball, or a slipper.

They are always ready to brighten your day and join you on adventures. Behind that melting gaze, they hide intelligence and energy that surprises, which is why they are usually obedient, making training relatively easy. So if you have one and it’s a shameless, don’t be discouraged. With a bit of training, you can improve that aspect.

Golden Retrievers can easily develop skills for complex tasks. Not just any dog can be a Service Dog, Therapy Dog, Rescue Dog, Search Dog, or even an excellent companion – all in one package!

They love company as much as they love food and are very tolerant with children, who can be as heavy as anchors.

Don’t be surprised if they become friends with other species too.

This wonderful breed has a high level of sociability, which can lead to anxiety when left alone for long periods, but with commitment and dedication, it can be managed.

They are not very vocal and bark only when necessary. But what a bark!

Usually, they are ready for an adventure, a hug, or a dip in the river at any moment; you just need to put down your phone and get up to activate them.

A yearly vet visit is good, but twice a year is better. And while it's not a rule, due to their nature, Golden Retrievers lack the instinct for protection. With so many positive traits in one dog, a handicap was expected, hence the memes about how, if someone breaks into your house, they won’t leave without playing with your dog first.

Essential Care:

Brushing almost daily

Bath every 4-6 weeks (assess as needed)

Dental, ear, and nail hygiene

Moderate to intense exercise

Proper nutrition (due to possible allergies)

Common issues:

Hip and elbow dysplasia

Lymphatic issues


Retinal atrophy/cataracts

Recommended Activities:

Early training

Exposure to various environments/situations/activities

Walks in fields/beach/city

Mental stimulation with interactive objects and scent work

Exercise (without overdoing it)

Periods of obedience, tolerance, proprioception, and agility training

Contact with beings of different species, sizes, and ages.

Temperament and Sociability:

Intelligence and Trainability:

Energy Level and Exercise Needs:

Adaptability and Tolerance to Solitude:

Care and Maintenance:

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Golden Retriever

¿Requieren mucho ejercicio?

  • Son perros muy activos, necesitan su dosis diaria de movimiento intenso. Todo es bienvenido, largas caminaras, correr sin mirar atrás, un buen chapuzón. Tu imaginación será el limite. Todo ejercicio será traducido en salud física y mental.

¿Son fáciles de entrenar?

  • Su inteligencia y pasión por querer agradar, los hace responder muy bien al entrenamiento, y mejor aún si es basado en refuerzo positivo.

¿Cuánto tiempo viven?

  • Aunque no me gusta responder esta pregunta porque quisiera que fuera para siempre, rondan entre los 10 a 12 años, pero con una vida optima en cuidados y alimentación, y ejercicio, pueden pasar los 15 años.

¿Es adecuado tener un Golden si tengo niños pequeños?

  • Si bien esta raza es muy conocida por ser los perros más simpáticos del planeta, hay una realidad y es que son perros muy activos, de un tamaño medio/grande, pudiendo llegar a pesar hasta 35kg. Es decir inconscientemente pueden hacer daño a un niño indefenso. Pero si se trata de un ejemplar muy bien socializado, estable, con un nivel de energía medio bajo, no debería haber problemas.

¿Son perros muy ladradores?

  • Por lo general no son de ladrar mucho. Es un hecho, que no tengan muy desarrollado el instinto protector, por eso los memes de que si alguien entra a tu casa, el les traerá una pelota. Pero si resulta que no se cubren sus necesidades básicas, pasan tiempo solos sin entretenimiento, pueden tornar su conducta a destructivos y ladradores.

¿Soportan los Golden el calor?

  • yyy... se puede decir que si, pero no te pases. Es un perro, no un camello y además con alta carga de pelo. Si estas pensando en llevártelo de vacaciones en verano a la playa, mejor déjalo con tu madre.

Es el Golden un perro de compañía?

  • La vida nos ha enseñado que las capacidades de este ejemplar no tiene limites, se han visto envueltos en todo tipo de trabajos, cual mas complejo. Así mismo verlo socializando con otros animales, incluso pájaros, y por supuesto niños, pero esta capacidad no siempre es intrínseca. Se debe guiar, educar, enseñar como comportarse. No podemos pretender que venga configurado por defecto, aunque algunos si lo hacen.

¿Les gusta el agua?

  • Por norma, les fascina!